Health and safety expert joins Anthony Harper

27 Jun
Experienced health and safety lawyer, Catalijne Pille, has joined Anthony Harper as a Special Counsel in its Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland office.

Pille has particular expertise and knowledge in health and safety regulatory compliance and investigation, and an emphasis on enforceable undertakings and other alternative interventions.

Pille’s return to legal practice comes after over 10 years working at WorkSafe, New Zealand’s primary workplace health and safety regulator, in both legal and regulatory roles. Her in-depth knowledge and hands on approach enables clients to understand legal compliance, risk management and incident investigation strategy.

Partner Grant Nicholson says Pille’s appointment reflects the firm’s commitment to growing its health and safety practice and providing high-quality service to clients.

“We are delighted to welcome Catalijne to our team. She brings a wealth of experience and insight from her time at WorkSafe, which will be invaluable for clients who need practical and strategic advice on health and safety matters,” Nicholson adds.

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