Supplier Code of Conduct

Why do we have this Supplier Code of Conduct?

Anthony Harper is committed to social and environmental responsibility, ethical conduct and to sustainable and inclusive procurement.

This Supplier Code of Conduct sets out Anthony Harper's expectations of how our suppliers conduct their business in a legal and ethical way. This Code of Conduct reflects the standards we set for ourselves in our own business and in our relationships with our people. We want to partner with suppliers who share our commitment and who contribute to sustainable development and are economically, environmentally and socially responsible.


Suppliers must make their people and relevant contractors, subcontractors and affiliates aware of this code.


This Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the minimum expectations we have of our suppliers.

Ethical behaviour

We expect our suppliers to:

  • manage their activities and affairs and conduct themselves with integrity and in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and ethical standards
  • not engage in any form of corruption or anti-competitive behaviour
  • be honest and transparent about their ethical policies and practices.

Labour and human rights

We expect our suppliers to:

  • adhere to international human rights standards in their workplace and within their supply chain
  • comply with New Zealand employment standards and maintain a workplace that is free from unlawful discrimination, harassment or any practices relating to forced, compulsory or involuntary labour
  • pay the living wage to those employees working on Anthony Harper contracts delivering services on a regular and ongoing basis, in line with Anthony Harper's Living Wage Employer Accreditation.

Health and safety and security

We expect our suppliers to:

  • comply with applicable workplace health and safety laws and regulations and maintain healthy and safe work environments
  • comply with any access and other security requirements notified to them by Anthony Harper.

Information security

We expect our suppliers to:

  • keep all information received about Anthony Harper and our people, clients and other suppliers confidential
  • comply with applicable laws, good practice and any Anthony Harper requirements regarding privacy, intellectual property and information security in relation Anthony Harper data and information (and that of our people, our clients and our other suppliers)
  • adequately protect any information, assets, tools and materials provided by Anthony Harper and return these promptly when requested.

Environmental sustainability

We encourage suppliers to establish environmentally responsible business practices and proactively improve their environmental performance.

We expect our suppliers to:

  • conduct their business in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and standards regarding the mitigation of impacts on, and protection of, the environment appropriate to their business
  • work to improve their environmental sustainability and reduce their environmental impacts and be willing to share relevant information and data with Anthony Harper regarding the Supplier's environmental sustainability practices and environmental impacts to help us monitor and report on our climate change and sustainability targets.

Corporate social responsibility

We encourage our suppliers to be good corporate citizens and contribute positively to their communities.

Some positive things suppliers could do are:

  • pay their subcontractors promptly
  • respect and positively contribute to the communities/societies in which they operate.

This Code is in addition to any legal contract or agreement with Anthony Harper.

This represents our Supplier Code of Conduct policy as at1 April 2024.